PD Opportunities & Events

The Integrated Action Civics Project offers professional development for teachers, sites, districts and county offices. Please contact us if you are interested in learning more.


The "Double Bubble" shows the interconnection between study of history and student action

Please watch this space for workshops, events and other PD opportunities. 

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Deliberative Discourse for Controversial Conversations in the classroom

June 16-17, Virtual Workshop, 9:00-12:00 Pacific Time

Learn a structured discourse protocol for controversial topics in which students research and explore the perspectives of different stakeholders while clarifying their own stance. Includes discussion on planning for deliberative discourse and navigating controversy in the classroom.

Sessions will include:

  • Special guest speaker,Eric Soto-Shed, Harvard Graduate School of Education.
  • Considerations when choosing appropriate issues for deliberation.
  • Framing questions to ensure a safe and productive conversation.
  • A framework guiding adaptations for different intensities of controversy
  • Responding to unplanned controversies

Cost: $125 (Early Bird rate: $100, Groups of 4 or more: $100/person)

 Register Here (Payment link pending)

IACP Introductory Workshop

Relevance, Agency & Engagement: Introduction to the Integrated Action Civics Project

Thursday, March 13 2025, 4:00-5:30 PDT, Free on Zoom

Learn about the IACP framework that can help students earn the State Seal of Civic Engagement by developing justice-oriented student voice, agency, and civic analytical skills across the curriculum. Central to Integrated Action Civics is the introduction of strategies throughout existing courses to help students understand the process of social change, while offering new lenses for the study of course content. 

The IAC framework is a powerful tool to support student exploration History, Language Arts, and the Ethnic Studies concepts of identity, systems of domination, power, critical hope and healing.

Register: bit.ly/iacp-intro

Online Summer IACP Institute! 

June 23-27, 2025

Come learn about the Integrated Action Civics Project (IACP) that fosters justice-oriented student voice, agency, and civic empowerment in K-12 classrooms. Central to this approach is the introduction of strategies throughout your existing course to help students understand the process of social change, while offering new lenses for the study of course content. Students can apply their learned skills and scaffolds to engage in meaningful, authentic civic action in their communities. 

The IACP strategies also support student exploration of Ethnic Studies concepts of identity, systems of oppression, hope and healing and resistance and change.

The free 5-day institute will include:

  • Introduction to Integrated Action Civics for student empowerment

  • Strategies for Student self-reflection & growth:
    • Visioning Justice, Worldview, Identity and Power
  • Change-analysis models and strategies:
    • Power & Stakeholder Analysis, Strategy Development, Student Advocacy

  • Integration of change-analysis into course content
    • Sample lessons, Course scope & sequence planning with examples 

  • Collaborative planning time

Sessions (Pacific Time):

  • 9:00-noon: Overview & change strategies

  • 1:00-3:00:  Cohort planning time (Optional)

Register Here (Payment link pending)

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