
What people are saying:

To be honest, I thought I was going to be bored in Social Studies class but it turns out that it ended up being one of my favorite classes this year! I liked how we didn't only learn history but we also took the history and used it to connect our past to our current society. … It also showed me how much power young people have… I didn't think it was possible for someone the same age as me to have that much power to drastically change something in their communities or society. 

Middle School Student

I really want to empower my students to see themselves as change makers and the IACP models allow them to do so.

Shana Riehart,
JFK High School, Fremont CA

Because the IA Civics approach is the foundation of my teaching, students were constantly connecting the past to the present moment in our classroom. My students are now more informed citizens because explicit instruction has given them the tools to understand who has power, why they have it, and the consequences of its various uses in different context.

Lauren Piaro,
Gilroy High School, Gilroy, CA

I am writing on behalf of my team to express our interest in adopting the Integrated Action Civics Project framework for our revisions to the Social Sciences curriculum for the School District of Philadelphia. We have been researching various frameworks and believe that the Integrated Action Civics Project offers a comprehensive approach to civic education, combining theoretical knowledge with practical, real-world applications. By integrating civic education with hands-on experiences, this framework empowers students to actively participate in their communities, fostering a sense of civic responsibility and engagement.

Ismael Jimenez M.Ed.
Director of Social Studies Curriculum, The School District of Philadelphia

Integrated Action Civics Project (IACP) provides powerful framework and an extensive set of engaging resources for action civics and social studies more broadly. I have found these curricular tools to be invaluable for engaging students with critical skills and concepts along with principled values and dispositions. IAC is an awesome site whether you are a new teacher looking for great activities to use in class or a veteran looking to deepen your practice.

Eric Soto-Shed,
Teacher Educator, Harvard Graduate School of Education

The IAC framework and instructional tools are an educative framework for both teachers and students to learn through a collaborative blend of history and civics – a model for making inquiry-based history-social studies local, relevant, and connected to change making in the present.

Brad Fogo,
Graduate College of Education, San Francisco State; former Director of Curriculum for the Stanford History Education Group (SHEG)