PD Opportunities

The Integrated Action Civics Project offers professional development for teachers, sites, districts and county offices. Please contact us if you are interested in learning more.


The "Double Bubble" shows the interconnection between study of history and student action

Integrated Action Civics
Summer Institute

Summer 2024 - June 10-14, 2024

Join us for our free summer institute to learn about the Integrated Action Civic framework and strategies.

The Integrated Action Civics Project has developed a unique framework that explicitly introduces students to a variety of civic action concepts and strategies through the study of their History, Ethnic Studies, and Environmental Justice course content.

In this 5 -day institute, we will introduce strategies that can be integrated throughout your current curriculum to help students explore their sense of self, understand how power operates in historical and contemporary contexts, analyze the role of stakeholders, and learn about the ways that organizers advocate for and create social change.

Students can apply their learned skills and scaffolds to engage in meaningful, authentic civic action in their communities - either in your course, a different course, or later in their lives. These skills can help students earn the State Seal of Civic Engagement 

The IAC strategies also support student exploration of Ethnic Studies concepts of identity, systems of oppression, hope and healing and resistance and change.

AM Sessions (9:00 - Noon, Pacific Time)

  • Introduction to Integrated Action Civics for student empowerment
  • Strategies for Student self-reflection & growth:
    • Visioning Justice, Worldview, Identity and Power
  • Change-analysis models and strategies:
    • Power & Stakeholder Analysis, Strategy Development, Student Advocacy
  • Integration of change-analysis into course content
    • Sample lessons; Course scope & sequence planning with examples 

OPTIONAL PM Sessions (1:00 - 3:00, PDT). Two Strands:

  • 1) Collaborative Local History & Action Civics (Pilot Program) 

    • Learn about this national pilot program exploring local history through ethnic studies and action civics lenses.

    • Explore ways for student classrooms to connect with others around the country exploring similar themes and issues.

  • 2) Supported collaborative planning time. This is an opportunity to work with colleagues to:
    • Apply IAC strategies to existing lessons
    • Develop new lessons to introduce concepts
    • Revise your scope & sequence to introduce IAC strategies throughout the year
    • What ever else you and your colleagues want to work on.

All session are via Zoom

Register now (LINK). No cost for participants! 

Continuing Education Units are available for participation in the series. One unit for attending AM sessions and second unit for participating in the PM collaboration ($79 per unit).

Contact us if you have questions.